Statement of Purpose - Sociology
I am applying for admission to your prestigious MA in Sociology program for the upcoming fall term. In the modern world, in which cultures and countries are increasingly interconnected, it is essential to have a firm understanding of various world cultures. With this in mind, I am eager to undertake studies in your program, as it will equip me with professional knowledge as well as the requisite language skills that are crucial to success. I have great interests in exploring the different cultures of the world and acquiring comprehensive sociological training. Therefore, the MA in Sociology program at your institution is my ideal choice for postgraduate study. I am encouraged by the curriculum, professors, and resources available in your institution, and I am inspired to devote myself to advanced studies of Sociology. Having done some research into the content of this program, I strongly believe that it will allow me to strengthen my analytical skills, whilst inspiring me and giving me the opportunity to develop my ideas.
As an undergraduate in Goodwell University, majoring in Foreign Languages and Literature, I learned a great deal, both academically and in daily life. In this major, I acquired much useful professional knowledge and confirmed my strong interests in different societies and cultures by taking the required courses, including courses focusing on American literature, European literature, and the literature of different Asian countries. In addition to the required courses, I also took elective courses related to sociology, gender issues, communication and negotiation, and various language courses. Our instructors often shared with us their own practical foreign experiences which influenced me considerably and reinforced my determination to pursue studies abroad. I am drawn to the UK by its rich culture, beautiful landscapes and unique historical legacy. Although my university studies are not directly to my proposed major, I am confident that my passion and diligence will enable me to take full advantage of the education you offer and successfully complete my studies.
With regard to my future plans, I hope to take advantage of my time studying in your MA in Sociology program to strengthen my background in the field, and I especially hope to focus on the area of Women’s Studies. After completion of the MA in Sociology program, I hope to enter the Ph.D. program to conduct further research. As for my long-term goals, after completing my postgraduate education I hope to return to my native country and apply my skills and expertise to make beneficial contributions to the field of sociology and the culture in general. I hope to combine my personal interest with the education and practical knowledge gained from your program to help advance the field of sociology in my country. The MA in Sociology offered by your school is integral to my goals, and I therefore sincerely hope that you will give me a chance to develop my skills and further reinforce my capabilities in your esteemed department.
مشاوره و راهنمایی جهت اپلای، دریافت پذیرش تحصیلی و تحصیل در دانشگاه های خارج از کشور.
خدمات ما شامل جست و جوی دانشگاه مورد نظر شما و نگارش انواع رزومه (CV) ، توصیه نامه(Letter of recommendations) ، انگیزه نامه یا SOP (Statement of Purpose) یا،(Letter of Intent) و در نهایت ارسال تقاضانامه یا (Application Form) می باشد.
برای بهره مند شدن از خدمات فوق با ما تماس بگیرید تا در وقت و هزینه خود صرفه جویی کنید.
ارائه خدمات و مشاوره جهت انجام کلیه مراحل اخذ پذیرش و بورس تحصیلی از دانشگاه های معتبر خارج از کشور شامل :
-جست و جو و یافتن دانشگاه مناسب با توجه به رشته تحصیلی و علایق شما
-نگارش رزومه یا CV (Resume)
-نگارش انگیزه نامه یا SOP (Statement of Purpose) یا (Letter of Intent)
-نگارش توصیه نامه (Letter of recommendations)
-ارسال تقاضا و اپلای (Application)
-برگزاری کلاس های خصوصی جهت آمادگی آزمون های آیلتس IELTS تافل TOEFL و جی آر ای GRE توسط اساتید مجرب و با سابقه در کوتاه ترین زمان و با روشی نوین.
طی کردن تمامی این مراحل نیازمند آشنایی کامل با فرآیند اخذ پذیرش، تسلط کامل به زبان انگلیسی و صرف وقت بسیار است. با تماس با ما در وقت و هزینه خود صرفه جویی کنید.
هدف ما ارائه بهترین خدمات به دانشجویان و متقاضیان گرامی و کمک به اخذ پذیرش تحصیلی در کوتاه ترین زمان ممکن می باشد.
برای راهنمایی و مشاوره با شماره تلفن های زیر تماس بگیرید.
Statement of Purpose (SOP) - Architecture
I am motivated to study abroad in order to broaden my international outlook while simultaneoulsy strengthening my professional abilities. I am especially eager to become acquainted with different design styles and techniques. By collaborating with students and instructors from diverse backgrounds, I will be exposed to a wide range of ideas and styles; this, in itself, will be extremely valuable for my future career. Each country has something unique to offer in the field of architecture, and there are diverse styles and characteristics in the buildings, rooms and decorations; from the general appearance to the smallest details, an integrated, international society such as that in your university is ideal for gaining inspiration and acquiring sound training.
I earned my BSc from the Department of Architecture at Good University in [my country]. This course of study gave me a thorough foundation of knowledge in architecture and design. In my free time, I participated in several seminars involving architecture and design, and I attended several supplementary courses to attain certification in various software applications. In addition, I was active in sports in my university, joining the Volleyball Club, Basketball Club, and also the Diving Club, in which I served as a leader and helped to organize activities and recruit new members. This experience in particular allowed me to develop my leadership and interpersonal skills.
In the university, the coursework focused on theoretical aspects rather than practical aspects. Therefore, to gain practical experience, I have been working for Goodwell Design Company since 2006. In this company, I have significantly increased my knowledge of architecture and interior design. As a Designer, I have worked on several cases which have broadened my understanding tremendously. For example, I worked with customers who wanted to renovate their indoor designs, and I consulted with customers and my supervisors regarding various design options that could best meet their needs. One such case involved the design of a local bistro; other, more prominent cases, included my participation in the design of the Best Hotel and the Great Hotel in [my city]. Currently, I am working on the planning of the Goodnest Bay Resort.
Through my work on these projects, I have gained practical experience and abilities that cannot be learned in the classroom, such as the ability to carry out plans, supervise, and oversee the actual construction process. The contrast between my academic training and my work experience helped led me to a new understanding of architecture and design. I learned that many of the theories and ideas that I learned in the university were somewhat impractical. Successful design requires not only good ideas, but also the practicality that allows the design to be ultimately carried out. If a design can be implemented, then this is the mark of a good design, but it is important to have experience with the practical aspects of design in order to understand which designs are effective and which are simply impractical. My work thus far has been rewarding and inspiring, yet it has also allowed me to reflect upon my shortcomings and the areas in which I need to receive additional training. Consequently, I am highly motivated to enter your master’s program and study diligently.
Now that I have a firm understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of architecture and design, I feel that I am prepared to begin the next step of my professional development, which is the pursuit of a master’s degree in Architecture. I feel that it is important to build upon my previous training and education in a stimulating atmosphere full of diverse viewpoints and ideas. Your master’s program is ideal for meeting my educational goals. The diverse and international student body, combined with modern facilities and esteemed professors, can provide me with a cutting-edge education that will prepare me for any challenges I may face in the future.
After graduation, I hope to stay in [country] and find a suitable job that will help integrate me into the design environment of [country]. Such an opportunity will give me a more in-depth understanding of local customs, habits, design characteristics, and architectural styles. This will prepare me for a lifetime of success in the field of architecture. I plan to eventually return to my native country, equipped with the skills, expertise, and experience to be an asset to the domestic architecture industry. Your master’s program is integral to my goals, and I greatly appreciate your consideration of my application.
اخذ پذیرش تحصیلی از دانشگاه های معتبر خارج از کشور
ارائه خدمات و مشاوره جهت انجام کلیه مراحل اخذ پذیرش و بورس تحصیلی از دانشگاه های معتبر خارج از کشور شامل :
-جست و جو و یافتن دانشگاه مناسب با توجه به رشته تحصیلی و علایق شما
-نگارش رزومه یا CV (Resume)
-نگارش انگیزه نامه یا SOP (Statement of Purpose) یا (Letter of Intent)
-نگارش توصیه نامه (Letter of recommendations)
-ارسال تقاضا و اپلای (Application)
-برگزاری کلاس های خصوصی جهت آمادگی آزمون های آیلتس IELTS تافل TOEFL و جی آر ای GRE توسط اساتید مجرب و با سابقه در کوتاه ترین زمان و با روشی نوین.
طی کردن تمامی این مراحل نیازمند آشنایی کامل با فرآیند اخذ پذیرش، تسلط کامل به زبان انگلیسی و صرف وقت بسیار است. با تماس با ما در وقت و هزینه خود صرفه جویی کنید.
هدف ما ارائه بهترین خدمات به دانشجویان و متقاضیان گرامی و کمک به اخذ پذیرش تحصیلی در کوتاه ترین زمان ممکن می باشد.
برای راهنمایی و مشاوره با شماره تلفن های زیر تماس بگیرید.