مرکز اپلای تهران

ارائه خدمات اخذ پذیرش شامل نگارش و تصحیح رزومه (CV) ، انگیزه نامه (SOP) ، توصیه نامه

مرکز اپلای تهران

ارائه خدمات اخذ پذیرش شامل نگارش و تصحیح رزومه (CV) ، انگیزه نامه (SOP) ، توصیه نامه

نمونه انگیزه نامه رشته بیوتکنولوژی و زیست شناسی

Sample Statement of Purpose (Bio-Tech)

The enigma of life has always fascinated me. The unabated technological advances in the field of science have opened up growth opportunities in newer dimensions. To shine in the revolutionary workplace of tomorrow, one has to have perfect combination of theory and practical knowledge. Biotechnology is the field of future that is beneficial to the individual as well as the society. I want to be an element of innovation in this field, which is creating a better tomorrow for everyone. To do this, I need to arm myself with requisite knowledge which a graduate program can furnish. I envision your university as the right stepping stone to pursue my dreams and achieve my career goals.

During my undergraduate studies, 'Molecular Biology' and 'Genetics' evoked my keen interest. I found the techniques involved in Molecular Biology including Recombinant Technology fascinating. My aptitude for Mathematics has made me an ardent learner of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Bio process Engineering, Modeling and Simulation. That I am a topper till now in most of the subjects including Molecular Biology, Molecular Immunology, Chemical Reaction Engineering, English, Statistics, Applied Numerical Methods, Biotechnology methods and Advanced Bio techniques is a indication of my enthusiasm and ardor for these subjects.

Confidence in me is one of my biggest strengths, one which I developed when I took many seminars in my class, had to ensure that they were well explored, lucid and crisp, and delivered with confidence in an easily comprehensible language. Other than the theory papers, my undergraduate program had good lab programs which acted as a catalyst to my desire of assimilating to the maximum from the coursework. I have an avid curiosity for delving deep into these subjects and this has motivated me pursue a Master's degree.

I believe that out of class pursuits are as important as core academic excellence, for a holistic educational experience. Going beyond the precincts of the classroom, I have represented my college at ''The Indian Science Congress' held in Kerala, from 3rd to 7th January, 2010. I have also participated in the workshop on 'Food Safety Systems' held on 28th January, 2010 at YYY College, Chennai.

Other than being the topper of my class, graduating as the gold medalist from my college, I have been an active participant in extracurricular activities held in my college and others. From regularly participating in many different dance programs, and other cultural activities, to acting as a member of the Organizing Committee of 'Chrysalis', a National Level Symposium held in my college in 2009. Lastly by planning an industrial visit to Bangalore for my entire department in March 2010, I found that my organizational skills were tested and I came out with flying colors as they were conducted with lan. I distributed the work according to the potential and motivated my team members to give their best. It was a learning experience, and I realized an effective leader is one who can empathize and work shoulder to shoulder with his team members.

To further nourish my research interest, I joined KNISS LABORATORIES, a renowned name in pharmaceutical industry as a summer intern (2009). I worked there in microbiology lab and Quality Control Department. I studied the antimicrobial activities of natural herbal plants like Neem and Tulsi. This industrial experience was enriching, allowed me to view directly all the theory learned in my classes in a practical manner. From the internship, I have gotten a glimpse of the rigorousness of lab work along with the anxiety of anticipation, the pure exhilaration of a positive result. This has further strengthened my dream and desire to be a part of a laboratory where cutting edge research is performed.

My ultimate aim is to utilize the knowledge and training which I receive through my Masters degree to work in the biotech industry where I will look to hone and perfect my practical skills before eventually starting my own Research & Development Company. I hope, in the future, to create an effectual technology which will add value to human life.

To realize these dreams I need to broaden my horizons, receive both training and guidance. I believe that I will receive just this through a graduate degree in Biotechnology in Texas Tech. I feel that the curriculum and lab facilities are designed to allow students to gain good exposure to both the theoretical and practical side of the biotech industry, additionally the core lab facilities in the Centre for Biotechnology and Genomics are highly advanced, will be very useful for an aspiring Bio-technologist.

I sincerely hope that by associating with your University, I will be able to give back in return as much as I will gain in my own knowledge under the tutelage of experts from the industry. I hope that this statement of purpose will merit me a place in your institution.


اپلای تحصیل در خارج از کشور

قابل توجه کلیه دانشجویان گرامی که قصد ادامه تحصیل در خارج از کشور و اخذ پذیرش تحصیلی از دانشگاه های معتبر بین المللی را دارند.

در صورتی که برای طی مراحل و نیز نگارش انواع رزومه ،CV  ، انگیزه نامه ، SOP ، Statement of Purpose ، Letter of Intent ، توصیه نامه ، Letter of  recommendations ، Application با مشکل مواجه هستید و زمان کافی برای اینکار ندارید پیشنهاد ما به شما استفاده از خدمات اخذ پذیرش و اپلای ما می باشد. این خدمات شامل:

- یافتن دانشگاه متناسب با  رشته تحصیلی مورد نظر شما

-نگارش رزومه یا CV) Resume)

-نگارش انگیزه نامه یا SOP (Statement of Purpose)  یا (Letter of Intent) 

-نگارش توصیه نامه (Letter of recommendations)

-ارسال تقاضا و اپلای (Application)

-برگزاری کلاس های خصوصی جهت آمادگی آزمون های آیلتس IELTS تافل TOEFL و جی آر ای GRE توسط اساتید مجرب و با سابقه.

برای راهنمایی و مشاوره با شماره تلفن های زیر تماس بگیرید.

خدمات اپلای و اخذ پذیرش اسدبیگی



اخذ پذیرش تحصیلی و اپلای

مشاوره و راهنمایی جهت اپلای، دریافت پذیرش تحصیلی و تحصیل در دانشگاه های خارج از کشور.

خدمات ما شامل جست و جوی دانشگاه مورد نظر شما و نگارش انواع رزومه (CV) ، توصیه نامه(Letter of recommendations)  ، انگیزه نامه یا SOP (Statement of Purpose)  یا،(Letter of Intent)   و در نهایت ارسال  تقاضانامه یا (Application Form)  می باشد.

برای بهره مند شدن از خدمات فوق با ما تماس بگیرید تا در وقت و هزینه خود صرفه جویی کنید.




نگارش رزومه CV و خدمات اپلای

اگر قصد نگارش رزومه یا CV  Resume جهت اخذ پذیرش تحصیلی از دانشگاه های معتبر خارج از کشور را دارید و  به علت مشغله های کار و زندگی وقت کافی برای این کار ندارید، توصیه ما به شما کمک گرفتن از یک فرد مسلط به این کار است.

خدمات ما شامل موارد زیر است:

       -جست و جو و یافتن دانشگاه مناسب با توجه به رشته تحصیلی و علایق  شما

-نگارش رزومه یا CV (Resume)

-نگارش انگیزه نامه یا SOP (Statement of Purpose)  یا (Letter of Intent) 

-نگارش توصیه نامه (Letter of recommendations)

-ارسال تقاضا و اپلای (Application)

-برگزاری کلاس های خصوصی جهت آمادگی آزمون های آیلتس IELTS تافل TOEFL و جی آر ای GRE توسط اساتید مجرب و با سابقه در کوتاه ترین زمان و با روشی نوین.


برای راهنمایی و مشاوره با شماره تلفن های زیر تماس بگیرید.



نمونه توصیه نامه

Sample Recommendation from Professor

Aaron Jones

123 A Street

Citycenter, NY 12345


September 21, 2012


Scott Smith

345 B Street

Citycenter, NY 12345


Dear Mr. Smith,

I am pleased to recommend May Williams for the Master’s program at State University. May has been a student in many of my classes during the past four years, so I have learned a great deal about her and her abilities, and I know she would do well if given the opportunity to continue her education.

May’s determination to succeed has led her to excel in my classes. She consistently gets excellent marks on her homework and tests, and she participates in class regularly. Her knowledge of the Spanish language convinced me to ask her to become a tutor for other students who were struggling with the language—a challenge that she met with great success. The students she tutored significantly improved their grades, and some have even chosen Spanish as their majors.

Compared to the other students in class, May’s grades have always been at the top. This has led other students in her classes to ask her for help if they do not understand a lesson. Despite her busy schedule, May always balances her time, so she can help anyone who needs assistance with the language.

During the years I’ve known her, May has worked to greatly improve her own confidence in her abilities. This improvement is what made her agree to help tutor other individuals. When students in her own classes began asking her for assistance, her confidence truly began to soar, and it only continues to improve.

Due to her knowledge and great aptitude for learning, May would be an excellent candidate for the Master’s of Spanish program. She will make a great student at State University, and I have no doubts that her abilities and determination will continue to grow.


Aaron Jones